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Next week in the development committee

On the agenda: EU budgets, Global Gateway, extractive industries, NDICI-Global Europe, global health strategy
Wednesday August 30, 9.00-18.30 (SPINELLI 3G3)
In Brussels
Adoption of budget amendments on the General budget of the European Union for the financial year 2024 by rapporteur Ilan DE BASSO (S&D, SV)
Adoption of a letter to the Committee on Budget on the Mid-term revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 by rapporteur Charles GOERENS (Renew, LU)
Jointly with the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the consideration of a draft report on the Implementation of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe by rapporteurs Tomas TOBÉ (EPP, SV), Pedro MARQUES (S&D, PT), Charles GOERENS (Renew, LU), and Michael GAHLER (EPP, DE)
Jointly with the Committee on Foreign Affairs and in association with the Delegation
to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, an exchange of views with the European Commission on The EU-LAC Global Gateway Investment Agenda
Consideration of a draft report on the role of EU development policy in transforming the extractive industries for sustainable development in developing countries by rapporteur Barry ANDREWS (Renew, IE)
Consideration of a draft report on an EU Action Plan: protecting and restoring marine ecosystems for sustainable and resilient fisheries by rapporteur Catherine CHABAUD (Renew, FR)
Presentation of a study by the author on the implementation of EFSD+ operations under NDICI-Global Europe, including in the context of the Global Gateway strategy
Exchange of views on the EU's Global Health Strategy with a focus in particular on non-communicable disease