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Court of Auditors: EP committee backs the new Slovak candidate

EP's Budgetary Control committee on Monday gave a positive opinion after an exchange with a Court of Auditors candidate Katarína Kaszasová nominated by the Slovak government.
Candidacy of the Ms Kaszasová was approved unanimously by all present 24 members voting in favour.
Ms Kaszasová currently serves as a managing director of Slovak Auditing Oversight Authority, a post she has held since 2023. Before that she has held managerial posts at European Investment Bank, European Investment Fund and European Stability Mechanism in Luxembourg.
The mandate of the previous Slovak ECA member expired on 6 May 2022.
The Slovak nominee Martin Klus was rejected by CONT members after this year and consequently withdrew his candidature.
Next steps
The full Parliament will vote on whether to follow the committee’s recommendation on it’s next plenary session in Strasbourg (September 11-14).
As set out in the EU Treaty, each Member State proposes its candidate to sit on the ECA. The Council, after consulting Parliament, adopts the list of members for a term of six years.