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EU budget 2024: tackling next year's challenges with mid-term revision boost

03 октомври 2023 09:02, Людмила Калъпчиева
Излъчване: Туида Нюз преди около 1 година, брой четения: 546
European Parliament

MEPs' stance aligns with the proposed mid-term revision of the EU’s long-term budget

Funding restored for key programmes cut by EU governments

Significant reinforcements for Horizon Europe (research), Erasmus+, climate action, transport infrastructure, the EU neighbourhood and humanitarian aid

MEPs enhance the EU budget 2024 to address the fallout from Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, support SMEs, youth, and research, and bolster the EU’s strategic autonomy.


Members of the Committee on Budgets adopted by show of hands, in a vote on Monday, their position on the 2024 EU budget. They reinstated appropriations on all lines reduced by the Council in its negotiating stance (€772 million) to the level of the original draft budget proposed by the Commission.



Integration of the 2024-2027 revision of the EU’s long-term Budget


MEPs aligned their position on the 2024 annual budget with their stance on the on the mid-term revision of the EU’s long-term budget (MFF, multiannual financial framework), which concerns the years 2024-2027, enhancing finances for next year, relating especially to the proposed new "Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform" (STEP). This accounts for increases to the InvestEU guarantee, the European Innovation Council (EIC), the Innovation Fund and the European Defence Fund.



Humanitarian aid, migration, external assistance


In line with MEPs’ assessment, linked to the MFF revision, of needs stemming from external challenges, committee members have increased budgetary flexibility and special instruments like the Solidarity and Emergency Aid Reserve (SEAR) for better crisis response. They have amplified funding for humanitarian aid and the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, recognizing the intensified needs following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They also strengthened the Border Management and Visa Instrument. Financial support for the EU’s southern and eastern neighbourhood saw a significant boost. Continued aid to Ukraine will be ensured through the new Ukraine Facility, providing a long-term structural solution to Ukraine’s funding needs.



Boosting key EU programmes


In addition, members of the Committee on Budgets have increased funding for programmes and policies which they see as vital for addressing the consequences of the war in Ukraine and high energy prices, further contributing to the post-pandemic recovery, fortifying the green transition, and enhancing the EU’s strategic autonomy.


Included are the Horizon Europe research programme, the Connecting Europe Facility for high-quality and sustainable trans-European transport networks, and the LIFE programme for environment and climate action. SME funding, considering high inflation and energy costs, has been increased. Youth support continues to be a priority with additions to Erasmus+, also to make it more socially inclusive, boosting participation rates among people with fewer opportunities. This also applies to the European Solidarity Corps (ESC). The Creative Europe Programme and EU4Health have been strengthened.



The exact figures proposed for the different programmes are included in the corresponding draft resolution on the 2024 budget to be voted on 9 October. More details can be found in the compromises on the different budgetary headings, all endorsed by the Committee.





Siegfried Mureșan (EPP, RO), general rapporteur for the EU budget 2024 (for section III - Commission): ”We voted today in the Committee on Budgets a budget proposal that delivers on our citizens expectations. We agreed on increases of the budgetary lines that are oversubscribed or need to be reinforced: research, health, farmers, Erasmus+, EU Neighbourhood and migration. Moreover, we aligned our budget for next year with the revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework proposed by the Commission to give predictability to people and enterprises, and to be able to provide additional support if any future crisis occurs.”


Nils Ušakovs (S&D, LV), rapporteur for the other sections: “The Committee on Budgets made significant corrections to the draft budget today. The Commission seems to have overlooked the fact that institutions must be able to meet their legal and contractual obligations also in times of high inflation and rising prices. Hence, cuts in energy and rents are perplexing. Moreover, delegating more responsibilities to institutions expecting them to deliver efficiently on new tasks without additional resources does not match reality and does not serve any citizen."



Next steps


MEPs will vote on an accompanying resolution (submitted amendments here) on 9 October. The whole Parliament will vote on its position on the 2024 draft budget during the 16-19 October plenary session. This will launch three weeks of “conciliation” talks with the Council, with the aim of reaching a deal in time for next year’s budget to be voted on by Parliament and signed by its President before the end of the year.





More than 90% of the EU budget funds activities on the ground in EU countries and beyond. It goes to citizens, regions, cities, farmers, researchers, students, NGOs and businesses.


The EU budget is unique. Unlike national budgets, which are used in large part for providing public services and funding social security systems, the EU budget is primarily an investment budget.