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Parliamentarians, officials and experts delve deep into tax policy for tomorrow

The second EU Tax Symposium will take place between Tuesday and Wednesday, jointly organised by the European Parliament and the European Commission in Brussels.
Under the title "The future of taxation in the EU: Challenges ahead & changes needed", the symposium will bring together finance ministers, MEPs and national MPs, high-level policy makers, academics and civil society representatives to discuss the future of tax systems.
The symposium kicks off at 14.00 on Tuesday and will run all day long on Wednesday. During this time the following panels will be organised:
Tuesday: VAT in a digital world; The role of behavioural taxation; Balancing incentives and redistribution: The future of Personal Income Taxation; The role of wealth taxation in tomorrow’s tax mix.
Wednesday: Does our tax mix age well? Next generation taxation and structural changes; Decision-making on taxation: Combining the national, EU and international level; How to improve the business tax framework within the single market; Competitiveness vs Fairness: What role can taxation play?
On Tuesday, Vitor Gaspar, IMF Head of Fiscal Affairs will deliver the opening keynote speech, whereas Valdis Dombrovskis, Commission Executive Vice-President, will close the session.
On Wednesday, Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for the Economy, and Nadia Calviño, First Deputy Prime Minister of Spain and Minister for Economy and Digitalization, will deliver the opening keynote speeches, whereas Paul Tang, Chair of the EP’s taxation subcommittee, and Gerassimos Thomas, Commission Director General DG Taxation and Customs Union, will close the symposium.
You can find the full programme and more information on the Tax Symposium website.